

Star Wars Intro


CSS File
<link href="/css/starwarsintro.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<!-- Place in document head -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/starwarsintro.css">

<div class="star-wars-intro">

  <!-- 最初に表示される青字テキスト -->
  <p class="intro-text">
    A few days ago, during...

  <!-- 続いて表示される画像かテキスト -->
  <h2 class="main-logo">
    <img src="img/star-wars-intro.png">

  <!-- スクロール表示されるコンテンツ -->
  <div class="main-content">

    <div class="title-content">
      <p class="content-header">EPISODES IV-VI<br/>A Movie Marathon</p>


      <p class="content-body">
        After years of galactic silence, civilization is on the brink of a new Star Wars release. Now, with the Force preparing to awaken, the people of Earth seek solace in films of old. With nowhere to turn, they gather in great numbers and watch the original trilogy without rest. Three films. 6 hours. 24 minutes. Popcorn. Slushies. Total elation.

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